

Special Olympics Soccer during traditional 11- aside and Unified Soccer matches follow FIFA rules. However, the length of halves, substitution and overtime rules are defined by each Special Olympics Program organization. In 5-Aside and 7-Aside Soccer matches, some rule variations are: kick-ins from the touch line, throw-ins by the goalie, throw-ins by goalies cannot touch the other side of the half field until touched by a player first, and there are no off-sides.

For more information or to register before Friday, February 24th, please contact

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Contents will be added soon.

Contents will be added soon.

All sports are subject to availability for each season. Depending on the number of athletes interested in participating or the coaches willing to volunteer, each variation of the sport might not be available during each season. In addition, there might be a quota from Special Olympics Georgia that limits the number of teams from a particular sport.

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